Saturday, November 05, 2005

condom girl

so i spent five years in new york hauling around bags with hundreds of condoms and giving them away for free (and setting off many a duane reade security alarm along the way).

the other night, i went out to a club (gasp!) in houston for a suspension (amazing!!!). while hanging out there, we were approached by a cigarette girl. see, many cigarette companies send hot chicks (and some boys) around to clubs and bars handing out free cigarettes or lighters (i don't smoke, but fire is fun) in exchange for adding you to their mailing list.

while perusing the durex website (which now offers a line of vibrators), i decided that condom companies need to take a cue from the cigarette execs. send out people to clubs to hand out your merchandise. and, unlike smoking which can kill you, it would be a positive political move as you would be saving lives.

now, i know that condoms have been passed out in clubs and other social settings for quite some time as an hiv intervention. but these handouts were done by non-profits who need funding for supplies and rely on volunteers to distribute. the cool thing about handing out condom samples as a corporate move is that it is marketing! therefore, big condom companies can use their marketing budgets to pay cute blue haired girls to distribute the merchandise.

this idea also applies to lube. if anyone has a hook-up, pass the word along. there is a new sexpert in houston and she wants to pass out your safer sex supplies. oh, yeah!


Blogger brainhell said...

Well but the religious right would shut that down fast, as soon as they cooked up a story about an underage girl who was handed a condom while passing a nightclub on her way to church, and decided to use it, and got pregnant anyway.

11/06/2005 11:03 AM  
Blogger Amber Rhea said...

Religious Reich or not, I think that's an awesome idea. Run with it... can I be your operative in Atlanta?

11/06/2005 11:48 PM  

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